Die Spanische Tolkiengesellschaft Socieded Tolkien Espanola ruft zum Künstlerwettbewerb “Premios de arte Niggle”. In einer Ausstellung in der Infanta Elena-Bibliothek von Sevilla werden ausgewählte Kunstwerke vom 18.-30. November 2013 ausgestellt. Der Einsendeschluss ist der 1. September 2013. Den Gewinnern des Wettbewerbs winken außerdem Geldpreise, eine Niggle Statue, die Veröffentlichung in einem Kalender oder eine Jahresmitgliedschaft in der Spanischen Tolkiengesellschaft.
Es folgen die vollständigen Teilnahmebedingungen (in englischer Sprache):
Conditions for “Niggle Art Contest 2013”
The Sociedad Tolkien Española (Spanish Tolkien Society, STE), on behalf of Tanwë (its Arts committee), announces the Niggle Prizes 2013, which will be regulated by the following conditions:
First.- The contest is open to any artist who wants to participate, regardless of nationality and being a member of the STE or not, except for members of the jury and the intermediary.
Second.- Any work that takes part in the contest must be unpublished and coherently based on any of J.R.R. Tolkien’s books. The jury will decide if the works complies with this condition.
Third.- In order to check that the second condition is being complied with, the artist must send a brief text (no more than 100 words, in Spanish or English) together with his or her work.
Fourth.- The artist can choose the technique and materials used to participate in this contest. The size of the works must be a maximum of 150 cm x 150 cm and a minimum of 21 cm x 29 cm (DIN A4 size).
Fifth.- Each contestant can send as many works as he or she wants under the same motto, although he or she would only be able to win one prize. The works must not show any kind of recognizable signature, logo or watermark.
Sixth.- These are the prizes:
– First prize, 150 euros and a diploma.
– Second prize, 75 euros and a diploma.
– Third prize, a whole year-free subscription to the Spanish Tolkien Society and a diploma.
– “Tolkien’s Reading day poster”, a diploma and a whole year-free subscription (the reduced option) to the Spanish Tolkien Society. This prize would be financed by the Arts committee.
Besides, the smial of Pelargir shall grant a Niggle statuette to each of the winners. The Spanish Tolkien Society wishes to thank Pelargir for its support to this contest.
Seventh.- The Arts committee will use the contestants’ work to elaborate the STE 2015 calendar as it follows:
– The first prize will be found on the front page of the calendar.
– The second and third prizes will be found inside the calendar.The jury will be in charge of selecting the works for the calendar from the ones which have participated in the contest.
Eighth.- The prizes could be declared void.
Ninth.- Those artists who wish to participate should formalize the registration of each of their works by sending an e-mail to premiosniggle@sociedadtolk
ien.org. The intermediary will check all the registrations and send an e-mail confirming that he has received them properly. The e-mail’s issue will be “preinscripción 2013”, and it must include the following information:
Title of the work.
The brief text mentioned in the third condition.
Motto.It must also include three photographs in JPEG format, one of the whole artistic work and another two of its details, except for the graphics designs (in this case, just one photograph is required). The files can be sent in ZIP or RAR formats.
– Title of the work: The charge of the Rohirrim.
– Technique: Acrylic and oil-painting.
– Support: Wood and silver leaf.
– Text: “Cruel was the battle, but the riders of Rohan charged with all the courage and energy that characterizes them”.
– Motto: Rohan.EXAMPLE 2
– Title of work: The smith.
– Technique: Photoshop.
– Support: Digital.
– Text: “…he did a few items just for fun; and they were beautiful, because he knew how to give the iron incredible shapes, which seemed as soft and delicate as a bouquet, despite of keeping the hard firm of the metal; they even looked harder”. (Smith of Wootton Major)
– Motto: Wootton.The contestants can also send their registrations by postal mail. To do so, they must send a CD-ROM with three photographs in JPEG format, one of the whole artistic work and another two of its details, except for the graphics designs (in this case, just one photograph is required). On the CD cover, it must appear the work’s title and the motto. In addition, a sheet of paper must be attached, in which the technique, support, the brief text and an e-mail address should be written. The package must be sent to the intermediary’s address:
“Premios Niggle 2013”
Alberto Tirado Castro
C/ Gonzalo Bilbao 21 2ºB 41003 -Sevilla- SPAINThe intermediary will send an e-mail confirming that the package has been received.
The 1st of September will be the registration period deadline.
Tenth.- The jury will make a selection from the works which have been registered and the intermediary will notify the decision to all the artists and he will also ask for the postal sending of those works which can opt to win one of the prizes.
The intermediary will notify the decision before the 15th of September.
All the selected works will take part in the exhibition of the “Niggle Art Contest 2013”, which will be held in Seville’s public library ‘Infanta Elena’, from the 18th to the 30th of November. The Spanish Tolkien Society wishes to thank ‘Infanta Elena’ public library and the Junta de Andalucía’s Culture department for their cooperation.Eleventh.- The works must be sent to:
“Premios Niggle 2013”
Alberto Tirado Castro
C/ Gonzalo Bilbao 21 2ºB 41003 -Sevilla- SPAINInside an envelope, a sheet of paper must be included with all the personal information of the artist: Name and surname, address, telephone and an e-mail address.
The intermediary will send an e-mail confirming that the package has been received.
The works must be sent before the 1st of November. The jury will not accept any work that has not been registered or selected previously.Twelfth.- The competition committee will take good care of all the works received, but declines all responsibility for any damage, loss, thefts or acts that may happen during the transport or the display, or any other mishaps that are out of the control of the committee.
Thirteenth.- The jury will be formed by Jessica Martin Garwood, Rocío Cañero Puerto, David Martin Barrera, Diana Salas Mera y Delia Martin Garwood. The jury will hold the right to solve any issue that has not been anticipated in these conditions. Its decision is final.
Fourteenth.- The decision of the jury will be declared publicly the 30th of November 2013 at the ‘Infanta Elena’ public library, in Seville; and it will be communicated previously to the winners.
Fifteenth.- The Spanish Tolkien Society holds the right to publish the exhibited works.
Sixteenth.- Any work can be collected by its author (or a person with a proper accreditation) at the end of the exhibition. Postal sending is also available, on the condition that the expenses are paid by the artist.
Seventeenth.- Participating in the “Niggle Art Contest 2013” implies the acceptance of all these conditions.