Unsere britische Muttergesellschaft, die Tolkien Society, organisiert jedes Jahr ein Seminar. Das diesjährige Thema lautet “Tolkien’s Trees” – Tolkiens Bäume.
This year the theme is “Tolkien’s Trees” and covers trees, gardens, woods, forest, forest dwellers, and our understandings of them or what they may signify. There are many kinds of trees in the works of Tolkien. Trees, woods, forests, and tree-like beings appear in various parts of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, Smith of Wootton Major, and of course Leaf by Niggle. Some of these are special, magical, and inspirational, and others are dark, frightening, or ominous; from the Old Forest to the Golden Wood of Lothlorien, the Ents of Fangorn or the malice of Old Man Willow. Trees may also carry symbolic values that may be explored and considered such as the White Tree of Gondor. There is scope for considering ecology theory and the way Tolkien’s depictions of trees in relation to various created societies and characters pre-dates the rise of actual ecology theory; and while his treatment of trees may open up moral insights, they offer options for interpretation that are more in tune with modern perceptions.
Ein Besuch im historischen Bar Convent lohnt sich sicherlich. Alle weiteren Informationen gibt es auf der offiziellen Internetseite der Tolkien Society.
Fotonachweis: (c) Marcel Bülles