Der junge norwegische Komponist Martin Romberg hat seine erste CD veröffentlicht, bei der auch tolkieninspirierte Musik zum Zug kommt. Vorbild für die romantische Klaviermusik ist die Valaquenta aus dem Silmarillion Tolkiens. Die interessanten Interpretationen lassen darauf hoffen, in Zukunft mehr von dem im Frankreich lebenden Norweger zu hören.
Wer in die Stücke reinhören möchte, kann dies auf der offiziellen Seite von LAWO Classics tun.Norwegian composer Martin Romberg has just issued his first CD called “Valaquenta – Tableaux fantastiques” with music inspired by Tolkien. The piano pieces are definitely worth listening to.
During a period of two years, I wrote a set of character pieces for solo pi-ano based on each of these deities, trying to create a mu-sical language that corresponds to the noble and mythic
atmosphere of the text. The pieces are simple in form and melodic ideas, yet elaborate in length and drama-turgy. This aspect of composition reflects much of the
essence I see in fantasy art and romanticism: the mo-tivation to tell a story with great respect for the simple, but with aspirations towards those large structures in
which we have real time to reflect upon and integrate the emotional message of the drama.