Flammifer Nr. 39 erschienen

Flammifer Nr. 39 erschienen

Um Euch einen kleinen Eindruck zu verschaffen, was Euch in dieser Ausgabe erwartet, findet Ihr unten das Inhaltsverzeichnis. In der englischen Version dieses Artikels gibt es auch eine Kurzzusammenfassung einiger Artikel. Das Titelbild „Legolas of Mirkwood“ stammt vom finnischen Künstler Timo Nousiainen.


  • Die Standards: Grußwort, Inhalt/Impressum, Veranstaltungskalender, Leserbriefe
  • In eigener Sache: Über die Vielfalt des Lebens
  • Enyalië – Dorine Ratulangie
  • Veranstaltungsbericht vom BrainStorming WEekend
  • Ein Besuch in der Flammifer-Druckerei
  • Wer und was ist Tom Bombadil?
  • Der Herr der Ringe auf Hessich: En Büdderedd
  • Mittelerde ist überall: Die finnischen Tolkien-Gesellschaften
  • Unterhaltsames: Hókírinar Maksâtanva, MIR
  • Interview mit Benjamin Harff: Das Silmarillion in edler Aufmachung
  • Rezension: Black & White Ogre Country

The issue includes articles on:

Cover artist: Simo Nousiainen

This issue’s cover features the painting “Legolas of Mirkwood” by the Finnish artist Simo Nousiainen.

BrainStorming WEekend:

Sylvia Lindner reports from the BSWE in Tabarz in January 2010. The weekend in conclave brings together many active members of the society who work on already existing projects and generate new ideas for DTG’s future. This time we learned to appreciate coffee-flat rates and structured chaos in many workshops that nevertheless yielded wonderful results.

Finnish Tolkien Societies (“Suomen Tolkien-seura & Verkkoyhteisö Kontu ru”):

Finland can come up with two official Tolkien societies – and that at a moment’s notice. We have never received such a quick answer by any other international society. Kiitos! Taru Heikkinen writes about the activities of the two societies. Find out where you can find the Finnish Shire on the Internet and why Legolas is such a big name in general Finnish fantasy literature.

How to print a Flammifer:

Evelyne Okonnek and Mark Craemer take us to the printing press at Lorch in Pfullingen and show us how our magazine is made.

Who or what is Tom Bombadil?

Sexually-liberated Hippie, nature spirit, Illúvatar, a manifestation of the author himself? Ingo Hopfenblatt compiles a few possible answers.

Summary of The Lord of the Rings:

For those who can’t be bothered reading long books on the beach:

See Jens “Sauron” Götz’s Hessian carnival speech.

The Silmarillion is illuminated:

Benjamin Harff has manufactured a beautifully illuminated Silmarillion as his final year project at university. We have interviewed him on certain aspects of his creative genius.

Black & White Ogre Country:

Read André Gand’s review of The Lost Tales of Hilary Tolkien.


Apart from the things mentioned above, this issue of Flammifer contains a calendar of Tolkien-related events, Tolkien fun and satire, readers’ letters, an Enyalië, as well as illustrations by Stephanie Dorer, Anke Eißmann, and Johanna Görlitz.

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